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Our Elders Ask Us:

Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

How will you be remembered?

In this time of the Prophecy, please join us in learning about
who you really are as a Soul.


The Whispering Song School of Energy Medicine is proud to announce the re-launch of the[geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ] Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth On-Line Study Program, [/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ] Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth On-Line Study Program, [/geoip_detect2_show_if] a powerful Program and tool to inspire, awaken and empower your journey as a Soul.

The Thirteen Canoes®, based on Tribal traditions, represents the highest vibration of our Soul’s Wisdom. The Canoe represents the Archetype of the Pilgrimage, the Voyageur, the Journey, and the Path into the Wisdom of the Soul. Each of the 13 Colours has a unique frequency that is attuned to the highest Vibrational Teaching of the Soul.

Gaisheda Kheawok[geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ]This powerful Teaching [/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ]This powerful Teaching[/geoip_detect2_show_if] represents a blueprint of our Soul’s purpose, providing the guidance necessary to navigate our Earth Walk as we journey with the Mother towards the highest expression of ourselves.

In this inspiring On-Line Study Program you will receive:

  • Your Thirteen Intuitive Gifts of Birth, represented by the archetypes of the Thirteen Canoes® Tradition
  • A beautiful Thirteen Canoes® Divination Card Set and Booklet
  • 3 monthly lessons exploring the Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth Program
  • Live, interactive tutorials with Gaisheda Kheawok – Messenger of the Mother
  • Unlimited time access to the Thirteen Canoes® On-Line Video Lessons and tutorials, to support you in enhancing and deepening your learning journey on an ongoing basis
  • Access to a private Thirteen Canoes® Facebook Community page

Gaisheda Kheawok is the Founder/Executive Director of the Whispering Song School of Energy Medicine which for over 35 years, has been delivering holistic psycho-educational programs for individuals seeking personal growth and practitioners interested in progressive professional development. These programs bridge traditional Tribal Wisdom Teachings and Archetypal Shamanic Soul-Based Energy Medicine® with contemporary Energy Psychology approaches. Gaisheda is a Clinical Psychotherapist, a Tribal Peace Elder, a Medicine Person and Shamanic Priestess, known as the Messenger of The Mother. She is a celebrated international speaker and has facilitated over 3,000 workshops and Sacred Site pilgrimages worldwide. Gaisheda is a Member and faculty of ACEP, CAIET and ISAR.


Once you [geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ]register for the Thirteen Canoes® On-line Study Program,[/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ]register for the Thirteen Canoes® On-line Study Program,[/geoip_detect2_show_if] you will receive your own Thirteen Canoes® Personal Wisdom Wheel and access to the Program courses and handouts.

Three times a month, a new Live Course Lesson will be released, exploring the Teachings of each of the Thirteen Canoes®. Plus access to a video tutorial and meditation released each month.

Course Lesson Release Dates:

Each live lesson will take place on a Thursday from 7pm – 9pm ET and 9pm – 9:30pm for Questions and Chart Readings

November: 7, 14, 21
December: 5, 12, 19
January: 9, 16, 23
February: 6, 13, 20
March: 5, 12, 19
April: 2, 9, 16, 30
May: 21, 28
June: 4, 11, 18

In each Lesson, you will receive comprehensive Teachings, and learn how to access and apply the Archetypal Wisdom of each of the Thirteen Canoes® to discover who you are as a Soul, illuminate your Divine Purpose and empower your journey.

  • You will have access to a live, interactive Tutorial with Gaisheda Kheawok every month, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions about each Canoe and discuss what you have learned.
  • After each lesson is released, it will be available to you to view for an UNLIMITED amount of time.

[geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ]YES!  I want to register for Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth[/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ]YES!  I want to register for Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth[/geoip_detect2_show_if]


The full course price is $1299, and we also have a range of affordable payment options available to support your learning journey.  For your convenience, you can choose from a 3-month, 6-month, 9-month, payment plan that works best for you.  Register now to get the special Introductory Early Bird Price, and enjoy a savings of $300.00. Early Bird pricing ends December 31, 2019.

You will also receive these incredible Bonuses [geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ] when you register for the Thirteen Canoes® On-Line Study Program:[/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ]when you register for the Thirteen Canoes® On-Line Study Program: [/geoip_detect2_show_if]

  • Thirteen Canoes® Four Directional Wisdom Wheel™ Teachings and Charts
  • Special Thirteen Canoes® Summer Solstice Package for on-line students only
  • Discount towards any Thirteen Canoes® Soul Consultation


[geoip_detect2_hide_if country=”Canada” ]Yes, I want to register for the Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth [/geoip_detect2_hide_if][geoip_detect2_show_if country=”Canada” ]Yes, I want to register for the Thirteen Canoes® Navigating Our Gifts of Birth [/geoip_detect2_show_if]